市場風向洞察:鏈遊賽道新熱潮能否來臨?論去中心化遊戲生態基礎設施 Tresaure 推出遊戲鏈 Treasure Chain 主網
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Calendar of Events
一 週一
二 週二
三 週三
四 週四
五 週五
六 週六
日 週日
4 events,
Coinbase 終止 “薪水支票直接存款” 服務
Zircuit 解除 ZRC 轉帳限制
Coinbase 終止 “薪水支票直接存款” 服務
3 events,
特朗普 “封口費” 案推開啟判决
Starknet 主網 STRK 質押功能正式啟用
WalletConnect 開啟申領
1 event,
Starknet 主網陞級至 v 0.13.3 版本
2 events,
Floki 旗下的 PlayToEarn MMORPG 遊戲 Valhalla 推出主網
ZetaChain 推出的 1000 萬枚 ZETA 驗證者委託計畫申請截止
0 events,
2 events,
加密貨幣交易所 Fairdesk 正式關閉
Ethena 决定費用開關啟動的相關參數
1 event,
Sonic 對持有六種不同 Sonic Shard 的錢包快照
2 events,
CBOE 擬推出首個與現貨比特幣相關的現金結算期權產品
鏈遊 Big Time 發佈其玩家對戰模式
0 events,
3 events,
南非 FSCA 或將三审南非交易所 Banxso 牌照
Ripple 或將推出穩定幣 RLUSD
Clanker 開啟申領
2 events,
Web3 遊戲分發基礎設施 MATR1X 發佈重要消息
日產汽車發行限量 NFT
2 events,
並行區塊鏈 Monad 在韓國首爾舉行 Madness 競賽第二期
美國公佈 11 月非農就業數據
1 event,
2 events,
美國公佈 11 月 CPI 數據
2 events,
乙太坊基金會 2025 年 EF 實習計畫申請截止
Anzen Finance 在 Fjord Foundry 開放申領
3 events,
比特币公链 Side 重新提交地址日期截止
比特幣再質押協定 Babylon 開放 Cap-3
3 events,
美參議院投票决定是否重新提名 SEC 民主黨委員 Caroline Crenshaw
Optimism Governance Season 6 正式結束
1 event,
Blockchain Season Finale 2024 在迪拜開啟舉行
2 events,
幣安支持 Horizen 網絡陞級
0 events,
0 events,
5 events,
Kakarot 測試網正式關閉
Avalanche 9000 正式啟動主網
Ethena 或將推出新穩定幣產品 USDtb
Stacks 或將開放存款功能
Taiko Trailblazers 活動第三期正式開啟
2 events,
TON 開啟進行驗證器軟體更新
The Open League 新年賽季活動結束
3 events,
Sophon 上線主網
育碧與 Arbitrum 推出 Web3 遊戲 Captain Laserhawk
2 events,
Mantle APAC 駭客松入圍項目開啟進行線上展示
3 events,
Cash App 停止比特幣免手續費點對點轉帳功能
TON 全球生態冬季競賽 Hackers League 正式結束
1 event,
1 event,
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0 events,
0 events,
0 events,
0 events,
0 events,
0 events,
0 events,
0 events,
0 events,
0 events,
0 events,
0 events,
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
There are currently no events.