展示我方 LOGO 时,您可根据需求选择以下素材,并请您确保展示时其尺寸不应小于其他品牌 LOGO(如有)。在对外每次展示我方 LOGO 前,需获得我方的单独授权。未经许可擅自使用,由此产生的一切法律责任由您方全部承担,同时我方将保留追究上述对产生不利影响行为人法律责任的权利。
Usage Statement:
When displaying our logo, you may choose from the following materials according to your needs. Please ensure that its size is not smaller than other brand logos (if any). Prior to any external display of our logo, you must obtain our explicit authorization. Unauthorized use without permission will result in all legal liabilities being borne by you, and we reserve the right to pursue legal action against those responsible for any negative consequences arising from such unauthorized use.
AI 矢量图(Adobe illustrator Vector Graphics)
下载地址(Download):点此下载 Web3Caff LOGO Ai 源文件


white background(白底)JPG
通过 Google Drive 下载
您也可以通过 Google Drive(云端硬盘)下载:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1asDTZTstFVMCd5pxTDAzSuP395gI0CxH?usp=drive_link